Modify Bank Account Number

Q: How i can submit issue about Modify Bank Account Number on self-service center TC Lottery?

A: To submit Modify Bank Account Number on self-service center TC Lottery, please follow this step

  1. You need to use this link
  2. After you enter the link then close the notification
  3. Select issue and choose Modify Bank Account Number
  4. Fill your TC Lottery ID account
  5. Attach photo selfie holding identity card clear and detail
  6. Attach photo old passbook bank / bank statement clear and detail
  7. Attach photo new passbook bank / bank statement clear and detail
  8. Attach latest deposit receipt proof clear and detail
  9. Fill bank holder name following on new passbook bank
  10. Fill bank name following on new passbook bank
  11. Fill bank account number following on new passbook bank
  12. Fill IFSC code bank following on new passbook bank
  13. Submit Issue

Q: How the way i need to taking selfie holding the requirement data need it?

A: Okay for the example posture please follow like the photo we give

Q: What valid identity card that we can use or show it for requirement?

A: For the valid identity card that you can use is aadhar card/ PAN card/ driving license card

Q: For bank what i need to provide ?

A: On bank you need to attach the passbook bank / bank statement screenshot with bank holder name, bank name, bank account number, IFSC code can be see clear and detail

Status Issue

Q: How do i check my status issue Modify Bank Account Number on self-service center TC Lottery?

A: You can check the status issue by pressing the Check Issue status then fill your TC Lottery ID account and select the Modify Bank Account Number issue lastly click to search and it will showing the status of your issue

Success Status

Q: I already checking and the status in here already success and there is a notes Pass - Success "The modification bank data has completed" what is that mean ?

A: For that mean your bank data for withdrawal on TC Lottery account already success changing

Reject Status

Q: What about with status reject i need to know if my Modify Bank Account Number issue get reject by TC Lottery data department?

A: Okay rest assured we will help to explain to you there is few notes rejection you need to know we will give explanation on this below:

1. Reject “The data you provide incorrect please resubmit”: this mean there is requirement you provide not correct but if TC Lottery data department found there is specific data not showing clear and detail will notes more specific and you need to resubmit all back with clear and detail

For Example: The data you provide incorrect please resubmit with holding identity card clear and detail: that mean your identity card while hold cannot be see and not detail
2. Reject “Provide all data clearly”: this mean all data requirement provide blur or cannot be see clear, please resubmit all back with clear and detail again
3. Reject “UCO BANK not available, please change your bank”: this mean you need to change to different bank because TC Lottery not longer support UCO and SUCO bank for withdrawal
4. Reject “Make sure again, ID account for modify data bank”: this mean your TC Lottery ID account provided its not have same data with the requirement you provided and you must check the ID account again then resubmit back with correct ID account TC Lottery

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